Discover the Mysteries of the Zodiac and Create a Foundation for Your Astrological Journey with This Exciting Self-Paced Mini Course!

Start Your Zodiac Adventure Today!

Are you ready to venture into the captivating world of astrology, but don't know where to begin?

Are you seeking a straightforward path to delve into the rich tapestry of the Zodiac?

This course is the lifeline for those ready to take the first step into the intriguing universe of astrology. If the prospect of learning astrology has felt too confusing or daunting, you've just found the perfect place to start.

Welcome aboard on this exciting journey to decode the Zodiac!

Yes, I Want This!

Master the 12 Signs of the Zodiac

The Zodiac - Understanding the 12 Signs is a self-paced online course that thoroughly explores the Zodiac and its twelve signs. You'll learn about their history, key features, traits, and roles in astrology. We'll dive into the specifics of each Zodiac sign, their elemental properties, modalities, ruling planets, polarities, and genders. By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of the zodiac's structure and how it contributes to astrology, birth charts, and everyday life.


Self-Paced Learning

Tailor your learning schedule to fit your life. Progress through the course at your own pace and on your terms.

Instant Access

Begin your journey into the world of astrology the moment you enrol. Immediate access to all course materials means you can dive right in!

Lifetime Access

Your access to the course never expires. Revisit lessons and explore new insights as your understanding of astrology grows, without any time limit.

Sarah Cornforth Astrology
Hannah - Cosmic Explorer

“Sarah's courses are a game changer! Her approach makes complex astrological concepts so simple and easy to grasp. The knowledge I've gained is priceless. I can't recommend her courses enough”

Cosmic Explorer

A Sneak Peek Inside the Course

Each of the following modules is accompanied by a video lesson and a supportive PDF download to enrich your learning experience.

This is more than a course; it's a roadmap to building the foundations you need to understand the vibrant world of astrology. Embark on this journey and let the stars guide your way.

Part 1 - Your Astrology Starter Kit

Kick-off your astrological journey by learning the basics. This part of the course lays the groundwork by explaining what astrology is, how it's used, and how people from different cultures around the world have made it their own. You'll start to see why astrology has been so fascinating to people for thousands of years!

Part 2 - The Zodiac Story

Take a step back in time to understand where the Zodiac originated and how it has evolved. This part of the course will take you on a historical journey, showing you how the Zodiac was born and how it grew into what we know and love today. It's like a time machine, but for astrology!

Part 3 - Zodiac Building Blocks

Get to know the key features that define each Zodiac sign. In this section, we'll explore the elements, modes, ruling planets, polarities, and even genders linked to each Zodiac sign. Think of this as your personal guide to understanding what makes each sign tick.

Part 4 - Getting to Know the Zodiac 

Meet the stars of the show – the twelve Zodiac signs. This part of the course offers an in-depth look at each Zodiac sign. You'll learn about their key characteristics, unique qualities, and what makes each of them special. By the end, you'll feel like you've known them for years!

What You'll Know by the End of This Course

  1. Astrology Basics: You'll have a solid understanding of what astrology is, its principles, applications, and its cultural variations across the globe.
  2. Historical Perspective: You'll know the origin of the Zodiac and appreciate how it has evolved over time, influencing civilizations throughout history.
  3. Zodiac Components: You'll grasp the key features of each Zodiac sign, including elements, modalities, ruling planets, polarity, and gender.
  4. Individual Sign Knowledge: You'll have a detailed understanding of each Zodiac sign - their element, modality, ruling planet, polarity, gender, as well as their unique traits and characteristics.
  5. Interpretation Skills: You'll be able to interpret the basic astrological implications in your own and others' birth charts, bringing you one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of personalities and life paths.
  6. Confidence: You'll gain the confidence to engage in astrology-based conversations, discussions, and explorations, equipped with a foundational understanding that sets you up for advanced learning.
  7. A Personal Astrological Reference Library: As a bonus, you'll have compiled your own personal reference library from the course materials, which you can revisit anytime you need a refresher or when exploring more advanced astrological topics.

This course promises not just knowledge, but also the excitement of unveiling the cosmic language that has intrigued humanity for millennia.

Sarah Cornforth Astrology
Sandra - Cosmic Explorer

“The depth of knowledge I gained from Sarah's course exceeded my expectations! It was an enlightening journey into astrology. The bonus emails were like surprise gifts, adding so much more to my learning experience. It's more than a course; it's a journey of discovery!”

Cosmic Explorer


For just £35, you will gain complete access to:
Start Your Journey Today!

Instant Access


Here's what you'll get:

  • Full Access to Four Part Course: Comprehensive lessons covering everything from a history of astrology, the features of the zodiac and the characteristics and traits of all 12 signs
  • Engaging Videos: Easy-to-follow visual content that explains the complex world of astrology in an accessible way.
  • Handy PDF Downloads: Keep the essential information at your fingertips with downloadable PDFs for each module.
  • Facebook Group Community: Join a supportive community of fellow astrology enthusiasts in our exclusive Facebook Group.

Why Pick This Course?

Let’s face it, the study of astrology can be intimidating, with its intricate signs, planets, houses, aspects, and more. That's where I come in! This course is specially designed to simplify the complexity of astrology. I present each concept in digestible pieces, allowing you to steadily build your understanding without feeling overwhelmed. Every lesson includes both a video and a downloadable PDF summary, which together will help you create a handy reference library for your astrological studies.

Ready to Embark on Your Astrological Journey?

The cosmos is calling, inviting you on a journey of discovery, knowledge, and self-realisation. Let the stars guide you towards understanding the deeper mysteries of life.

Astrology is more than a subject; it's a lens through which you can see yourself and the world in a profound, illuminating way. With each lesson, you'll not only unlock ancient wisdom but also unravel insights about your own character, potential, and destiny.

Click the button below to enroll in 'The Zodiac - Understanding the 12 Signs.'

Start your journey into astrology and self-discovery today - the stars are waiting for you.

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Sarah Cornforth Astrology
Tally - Cosmic Explorer

“I'm absolutely hooked on Sarah's courses. The beautiful, easy-to-understand guides and downloads have helped me build an incredible library of resources. Every course is a new learning experience that deepens my understanding of astrology. I can't wait to see what's next!”

Cosmic Explorer


For just £35, you will gain complete access to:

Start Your Journey Today!

Instant Access


Here's what you'll get:

  • Full Access to Four Part Course: Comprehensive lessons covering everything from a history of astrology, the features of the zodiac and the characteristics and traits of all 12 signs
  • Engaging Videos: Easy-to-follow visual content that explains the complex world of astrology in an accessible way.
  • Handy PDF Downloads: Keep the essential information at your fingertips with downloadable PDFs for each module.
  • Facebook Group Community: Join a supportive community of fellow astrology enthusiasts in our exclusive Facebook Group.

Who Am I? 

Hi! I’m Sarah, an astrologer, creatrix, and life enhancement enthusiast

Being a bit of a nerd, my fascination with astrology began as a child, always curious about the stars, their twinkling lights, and mysterious allure. As I grew older, I spent countless hours delving deeper into the world of astrology, learning about the zodiac signs, planets, and cycles of the moon. I discovered the connections between the stars and our lives and how the positions of the planets at the time of our birth could influence our personality traits and shape our destinies. Astrology has become a passion, a calling, and a way of life for me. As my love of astrology deepens, I continue to study and learn, always seeking to unlock new insights and understandings. As an astrologer, I strive to help others find their own path through the mysteries of the planets and the stars.


For just £35, you will gain complete access to:
Start Your Journey Today!

Instant Access


Here's what you'll get:

  • Full Access to Four Part Course: Comprehensive lessons covering everything from a history of astrology, the features of the zodiac and the characteristics and traits of all 12 signs
  • Engaging Videos: Easy-to-follow visual content that explains the complex world of astrology in an accessible way.
  • Handy PDF Downloads: Keep the essential information at your fingertips with downloadable PDFs for each module.
  • Facebook Group Community: Join a supportive community of fellow astrology enthusiasts in our exclusive Facebook Group.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions people most frequently ask :

Is this course suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The course is designed to start from the basics and progressively build up your knowledge. It's perfect for beginners and also for those who have some knowledge of astrology but want to understand the Zodiac in more depth.

Is the course self-paced?

Yes, the course is entirely self-paced. You can move through the lessons at your own rhythm and revisit them whenever you wish.

How long will I have access to the course?

Once enrolled, you have lifetime access to the course materials. You can revisit and review any part of the course as often as you'd like.

Do I need any special materials or books for the course?

No special materials are required. All course content is provided online and can be accessed at any time. However, you might want to have a notebook handy to jot down any insights or questions that come up during the course.

What if I have questions or need help during the course?

As part of the course, you will gain access to our supportive and knowledgeable community on Facebook, where you can ask questions and share your experiences. You can also email your queries directly to

What is the refund policy?

Due to the digital nature of the course content, we don't offer refunds. However, we're confident that the depth and quality of the course content will meet your expectations.

Can I share the course materials with others?

While we encourage discussion and sharing of insights with others, the course materials themselves are for your personal use only.

How is the course content delivered?

The course includes video lessons, downloadable PDF summaries, and supportive emails. All content is digital and can be accessed on any device with an internet connection.

I don't know my Zodiac sign. Can I still take this course?

Absolutely! In fact, this course is a perfect way to discover your Zodiac sign and understand what it means for you. Once you know your birth date, time, and place, you can easily find your Zodiac sign.