Cosmic Cuppa - Friday 19th April 2024

Cosmic Cuppa Weekly Astrology Insights & Highlights with Sarah Cornforth - Friday 19th April 2024

Welcome to This Week's Cosmic Cuppa! - Friday 19th April

Hello Cosmic Explorer,

Welcome back to our weekly catch-up!

In today's Cosmic Cuppa, I've got some fascinating insights lined up for you. We'll dive into the astrological influences that shaped our week, highlight some stellar moments from my work and life, and share the latest must-see content from my blog. Plus, I'll spotlight some of our top astrological tools and services that might just be what you need to navigate the upcoming days.

So grab your favourite cuppa, get comfy, and let’s dive into the cosmos together!

Looking forward to sharing more with you,

Sarah 💜

Read Time - 7 Minutes

Astrological Insights: Weathering the Eclipse & Welcoming Taurus

This past week, we've felt the calming waves after the storm that was the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th of April. Eclipses can often leave us feeling a bit rattled or on edge, as they bring about big changes and revelations. You might have noticed this as a time when things felt particularly intense or shifting rapidly in your life.

Our next eclipse season takes place on 18th September - Order my book, Eclipse Energies - Your Astrological Guide to Embracing Change in good time for the next events.

As we move into Friday, the 19th of April, there is a significant shift in the skies – the Sun glided into the steady and earthy sign of Taurus. This marks the heart of spring, a period where we can all start to feel more grounded. Taurus energy encourages us to slow down and appreciate the beauty of the world around us, making it a great time to stabilise after the eclipse's shake-up.

For more insights into how these astrological events can influence your life, or to discover what the rest of April might have in store, check out my detailed blog post on the Astrology and Moon Insights from 22nd to 28th April.

Celestial Spotlight: This Week's Stellar Moments

What a week it’s been here at Sarah Cornforth Astrology! Let’s dive into some of the exciting highlights:

  • Early Bird Alert for "Explore Your Inner Cosmos" The doors are now open for my signature programme, "Explore Your Inner Cosmos," with a special Early Bird discount that’s only available for a few more days. We kick off on the 8th of May. This isn’t just any astrology course; it’s a personal journey into discovering what makes you tick. I’ll be guiding you every step of the way as we delve deep into the essence of you. Ready to join? You can find out more here.
  • The Mystic Rectangle Experience Last week, I had the pleasure of working with a client who had a rare and fascinating chart featuring what’s called a Mystic Rectangle. It’s a special pattern where planets line up in such a way that they form a rectangle with a cross inside, creating a mix of both challenging and harmonious energies. For my client, this pattern highlighted her knack for balancing complex situations with elegance and finding creative solutions. Curious about unique patterns in your own chart? Why not book a discovery session with me and explore?.
  • The Gift of the Stars Recently, two clients booked sessions that were gifts for their friends. I find birthday sessions such a wonderful way to celebrate someone special. If you’re stuck on gift ideas, why not give the unique gift of an astrological reading? It includes a digital gift certificate they can receive on their birthday, and we can arrange the session to fit their schedule. Just hit reply to this email to get started.
  • A Laugh a Day Keeps the Cosmos Playful Let’s talk about something a bit lighter—humour! I’ve started re-watching Schitt's Creek for the third time and it still cracks me up. It’s just one of those shows that never gets old for me. Any fellow fans out there?

Cosmic Digest: This Week’s Must-See Content

Ready for some top-notch astrology content? Here’s what we’ve got lined up for you this week. Each piece is a gem that offers unique insights, so make sure to check them out!

  • Taurus Season & Taurus Sun in Astrology Taurus season kicks off on Friday 19th of April, bringing with it a time to ground ourselves and enjoy life’s pleasures. This blog post dives into what the Taurus season means for each of us, helping you understand how to make the most of this earthy, stabilising energy. Perfect for anyone looking to slow down and get back in touch with what matters.
  • Astrology and Moon Insights from 22nd to 28th April Wondering what the stars have in store for the upcoming week? This detailed forecast covers all the essential astrological movements and their potential impacts. It’s a must-read if you want to align your week with the cosmic flow and navigate through it smoothly.
  • Full Moon in Scorpio The Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday 23rd of April will bring intensity and deep emotional undercurrents. This article explores how to harness this powerful energy for transformation and healing. It’s especially beneficial for anyone looking to delve deep into their emotions and uncover hidden truths.

Astro Essentials: Top Picks of the Week

Looking to dive deeper into the world of astrology? Here are this week's top picks from my collection of products and services.

  • Explore Your Inner Cosmos – Save £300 Ready to embark on a personal discovery adventure? "Explore Your Inner Cosmos" is more than just a course; it’s a journey into the heart of what makes you unique, guided by the stars. We start on the 8th of May, and if you sign up now, you’ll save £300! This is a fantastic opportunity to gain deep insights at a great price.
  • Book an Astrology Discovery Session - £97 Curious about what your birth chart says about you? Book a Discovery Session for just £97. In this session, we’ll explore your chart and uncover fascinating details about your personality and path in life. It's a wonderful way to get personalised insights that can help guide your decisions and growth.
  • Order Book - Eclipse Energies, Your Astrological Guide to Embracing Change Eclipses are powerful times of change and renewal. My book, "Eclipse Energies," provides practical tips and astrological guidance on how to navigate these transformative periods. It's packed with information that will help you harness the energy of eclipses for personal growth and understanding. Oh and did I mention that it is a stunning item to hold in your hands…..yes! it is a physical book!

Share this Cosmic Journey

Loving what you're reading? If you think a friend would enjoy these cosmic insights just as much as you do, why not spread the love? Simply forward this article/email to them and share these astrological delights. It's a great way to brighten someone's day with a little bit of starry magic!

Cosmic Conversations: Share Your Thoughts!

I hope you're enjoying our astrological journey together! I'd love to hear from you and get to know your cosmic stories a bit better. How has astrology touched your life recently? Maybe a particular insight or a moment when the stars seemed to align perfectly for you?

Drop me a line at or share your experiences in the comments on the blog. Your stories inspire our community and help us all connect more deeply with the universe's rhythms.

Can't wait to hear from you!

Astrologically Yours

Sarah 💜

8th April - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries: Your Essential Guide
Astrology & Moon Insights, 29th April - 5th May 2024


Hi! I’m Sarah,

It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!

But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.

If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.

I'm excited to connect with you!

Sarah 💜