Astrology & Moon Insights, 8th - 14th April 2024

Astrology & Moon Insights, 8th - 14th April 2024

Astrology & Moon Insights, 8th - 14th April 2024

This week's astrological forecast is brimming with cosmic events that offer us unique opportunities for personal growth and development. Let's embark on a journey through each day, unlocking the potential for profound change and understanding how the stars can guide us towards self-improvement.

Monday, April 8 - A Day for Bold Beginnings

The Super New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries is a cosmic powerhouse, urging us to embrace new beginnings with open arms. Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is all about initiative and courage. Think about what you'd like to manifest in your life. Today, it's about setting intentions with the boldness that Aries embodies. Remember, though, to pace yourself - the journey ahead is just as important as the destination.

What You Can Do:

  • Write down your intentions and visualise achieving them.

  • Start a new project or take the first step towards a long-term goal.

Embrace the Transformative Power of Eclipse Energies

Eclipse Energies Sarah Cornforth Astrology

Eclipse Energies, My Astrological Guide to Embracing Change is your essential companion through these cosmic shifts. Crafted with stunningly beautiful artwork and insightful astrological wisdom, this guide is designed to help you navigate and make the most of the transformative power of eclipses.

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Tuesday, April 9 - Time to Ground Yourself

During the Void of Course Moon, it's time to hit the pause button and reflect. When the Moon moves into Taurus, the vibe changes dramatically, focusing on stability and comfort. This day is perfect for grounding yourself and simplifying your life. Engage in activities that bring you a sense of peace and practicality.

What You Can Do:

  • Spend time in nature to connect with the earth.

  • Organise or declutter a space that's important to you.

Wednesday, April 10 - Discipline Meets Dreams

The conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Pisces brings together ambition and discipline. This cosmic alignment is a call to action for our dreams but reminds us that a solid plan is necessary. It's about committing to our goals with a mixture of passion and patience.

What You Can Do:

  • Outline a detailed plan for a personal or professional goal.

  • Meditate on your ambitions and how you can realistically achieve them.

Thursday, April 11 - Communicate and Connect

With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun conjunct Mercury in Aries, our communicative powers are heightened. It's an excellent day for expressing ideas, engaging in meaningful conversations, and expanding your network. Communication is key, and today, it flows with ease and dynamism.

What You Can Do:

  • Reach out to someone with whom you've wanted to connect or collaborate.

  • Share your ideas with others, whether through social media or in person.

Friday, April 12 - Nurture Your Goals

The Waxing Crescent Moon symbolises the time to put your new moon intentions into action. Whatever you've decided to embark upon, now is the moment to start moving forward with determination and care. Your goals need attention and nurturing to grow.

What You Can Do:

  • Take a tangible step towards a goal you've set.

  • Review your intentions and ensure they're aligned with your actions.

Saturday, April 13 & Sunday, April 14 - Embrace Emotional Well-being

As the Moon moves into Cancer, our focus shifts towards home, comfort, and emotional nourishment. This weekend is about nurturing ourselves and our relationships. It's a reminder that personal growth also involves taking care of our emotional and psychological well-being.

What You Can Do:

  • Spend quality time with loved ones or engage in self-care practices.

  • Reflect on your work-life balance and how you can better nurture all aspects of your life.

Special Focus: Navigating the Super New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

This week is dominated by the Super New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, a powerful event that marks a significant phase of beginnings and transformations. This eclipse is not just about the new but about letting go of the old to make way for the new. It's a potent time for reflection, intention-setting, and embracing change.

Embrace the Journey:

  • Reflect on areas of your life where you're ready for a new beginning.

  • Set intentions that are aligned with your true self and take action towards them.

This week's astrological events are a call to action for each of us to engage more deeply with our personal growth journey. By understanding and working with these cosmic energies, we can navigate our lives with greater intention and clarity, leading to profound and lasting change.

Embrace the Transformative Power of Eclipse Energies

Eclipse Energies Sarah Cornforth Astrology

Eclipse Energies, My Astrological Guide to Embracing Change is your essential companion through these cosmic shifts. Crafted with stunningly beautiful artwork and insightful astrological wisdom, this guide is designed to help you navigate and make the most of the transformative power of eclipses.

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For just £17.99 (UK) and £21.99 (International), including postage.

Astrology & Moon Insights, 1st - 7th April 2024
Astrology & Moon Insights, 15th - 21st April 2024


Hi! I’m Sarah,

It's a pleasure to introduce myself to you. I'm an Astrologer, Creatrix and life enhancement enthusiast. Plus, I'm a total nerd!

But that's not all. I'm also a proud dog mum to my two beautiful fur-babies. They bring me so much joy and are a constant reminder of the beauty and love that surrounds us.

If you'd like to know more about me and my interests, check out my ‘About Me’ page.

I'm excited to connect with you!

Sarah 💜